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Display the plan of your home
Standard Photos

Uses natural lighting + professional editing

Up to 10 photos: $182

Up to 15 photos: $194

Up to 20 photos: $237

Up to 25 photos: $278

Up to 30 photos: $321

Up to 35 photos: $363

*Only Available during daylight. 

High End Photos

Uses natural lighting with flash added as required for improved lighting + professional editing

Up to 10 photos: $200

Up to 15 photos: $240

Up to 20 photos: $297

Up to 25 photos: $354

Up to 30 photos: $411

Up to 35 photos: $470

Block Photos

First 5 photos - $121; Additional photos - $12 ea

Drone Photos

Standard drone photos:   

     If other photos/videos also required:    First 2 photos - $60; Additional photos - $19 ea

     If only drone photos required:                First 5 photos - $182; Additional photos - $19 ea

360 Aerial photo:                                            $105

Photo Editing

Virtual twilight conversion (per photo):  $43

Virtual furniture (per photo): $55

Decluttering (per photo): $12 (standard), $24 (advance), $43 (extreme)


Walk-thru video+ :    $237

Highlights video + :   $290
Drone segment(s) in video*#:   Additional $109
Agent with voice over:    Additional $60
Drone video*#:    $303

Twilight Photography

Fee for any twilight photography:     Additional $110

Floor Plans (2D Black & White)

Floor plan (with a photo package):    $97 for one storey plus $60 per additional storey

Floor plan only:    $133 for one storey plus $60 per additional storey

3D Virtual Tours

When photos/video also required:

     Up to 150 sqm - $171

     Up to 250 sqm - $193

     Up to 350 sqm - $215

     Over 350 sqm - $215 + $22 per 100 sqm

When only 3D virtual tour required:

     Up to 150 sqm - $220

     Up to 250 sqm - $248

     Up to 350 sqm - $275

     Over 350 sqm - $275 + $22 per 100 sqm


Walk-thru video+ (no drone footage), 15 photos and floor plan (one storey):

$475 (with standard photos – only available during daytime)

$517 (with high-end photos)


Highlights video+ (with drone footage)*#, 20 photos, 2 drone photos and floor plan (one storey):

$714 (with standard photos – only available during daytime)

$768 (with high end photos)


Highlights video+ (with drone footage)*#, 25 photos including one virtual twilight photo, 5 drone photos and floor plan (one storey):

$841 (with standard photos – only available during daytime)

$909 (with high end photos)

* Drone photos/videos must be requested prior to the appointment and are only available within CASA approved fly zones

#  Additional fee for other locations

+ With agent branding

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